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FCC ID | Name | Comment |
10603748030196 | Tyrenisha Barnes | I'm very concerned about network neutrality regulations. I ask Ajit Pai to repeal Obama's scheme to control the web. Individuals, not the FCC Enforcement Bureau, deserve to buy the services we desire. Obama's scheme to control the web is a corruption of the open Internet. It reversed a hands-off policy that functioned very, very smoothly for two decades with both parties' approval. |
1060303697949 | Dominique Hewitt | Dear Mr. Pai, I have thoughts on NET NEUTRALITY. I'd like to demand Ajit Pai to rescind The Obama/Wheeler policy to control the Internet. Individuals, not the FCC, should be able to enjoy whatever products they choose. The Obama/Wheeler policy to control the Internet is a distortion of the open Internet. It undid a pro-consumer system that functioned very well for a long time with both parties' backing. |
10523299147649 | Rita Shininger | FCC commissioners, I am concerned about the FCC regulations on the Internet. I strongly encourage you to reverse Obama's policy to take over Internet access. Citizens, rather than Washington bureaucrats, ought to use whichever products they want. Obama's policy to take over Internet access is a perversion of net neutrality. It broke a free-market policy that performed supremely successfully for a long time with nearly universal backing. |
10603407502445 | Krieg Leisey | To the FCC: I'm very concerned about network neutrality regulations. I would like to demand you to rescind The Obama/Wheeler policy to take over broadband. People like me, rather than big government, deserve to use whatever products we desire. The Obama/Wheeler policy to take over broadband is a exploitation of net neutrality. It broke a pro-consumer policy that performed very well for many years with both parties' support. |
1060338309726 | Marlo Saunders | FCC commissioners, In the matter of Internet regulation. I would like to implore the FCC to reverse President Obama's order to control Internet access. Individuals, not the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should be empowered to buy the services we want. President Obama's order to control Internet access is a betrayal of net neutrality. It disrupted a free-market system that worked exceptionally smoothly for a long time with Republican and Democrat approval. |
1060356782572 | Genevieve Farmer | Dear Mr. Pai, With respect to network neutrality regulations. I strongly demand Chairman Pai to overturn Barack Obama's scheme to regulate broadband. Individual citizens, as opposed to Washington, should be free to buy which services they choose. Barack Obama's scheme to regulate broadband is a corruption of the open Internet. It reversed a light-touch approach that performed fabulously smoothly for two decades with nearly universal approval. |
10603240466641 | Attal Vaziry | To whom it may concern: I have concerns about network neutrality regulations. I strongly demand the Federal Communications Commission to overturn The previous administration's power grab to regulate the web. Individual Americans, as opposed to so-called experts, deserve to select whichever applications they choose. The previous administration's power grab to regulate the web is a exploitation of net neutrality. It undid a hands-off system that performed exceptionally well for many years with bipartisan backing. |
1052365118368 | Matthew Hunley | Chairman Pai: In the matter of the future of the Internet. I'd like to demand the FCC to repeal Obama's order to take over Internet access. Citizens, rather than Washington, should be free to use whatever services they want. Obama's order to take over Internet access is a betrayal of net neutrality. It disrupted a light-touch approach that performed fabulously well for decades with Republican and Democrat approval. |
10523503420228 | Ron Reynolds | FCC commissioners, I would like to comment on network neutrality regulations. I would like to demand you to repeal Barack Obama's policy to regulate the web. Americans, not Washington, ought to enjoy whatever services they choose. Barack Obama's policy to regulate the web is a exploitation of net neutrality. It broke a hands-off system that performed supremely well for decades with both parties' consensus. |
10603040033734 | Daniel Campbell | To the Federal Communications Commission: I would like to comment on Internet Freedom. I'd like to ask the commissioners to undo The Obama/Wheeler decision to take over Internet access. Americans, not the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should be able to purchase the applications they choose. The Obama/Wheeler decision to take over Internet access is a perversion of the open Internet. It disrupted a light-touch approach that performed very successfully for many years with bipartisan consensus. |
10523103288964 | Brett Hafferkamp | Dear FCC, I'd like to share my thoughts on the FCC rules on the Internet. I'd like to ask Ajit Pai to undo Tom Wheeler's power grab to regulate the Internet. Americans, rather than the FCC Enforcement Bureau, deserve to enjoy the applications they desire. Tom Wheeler's power grab to regulate the Internet is a perversion of net neutrality. It reversed a market-based system that worked exceptionally well for decades with nearly universal approval. |
1060390828897 | Heather Washam | To whom it may concern: I want to give my opinion on the FCC rules on the Internet. I demand the FCC to undo President Obama's plan to control broadband. Individual citizens, rather than Washington bureaucrats, should be free to use whichever products they desire. President Obama's plan to control broadband is a perversion of net neutrality. It reversed a light-touch framework that performed very well for decades with nearly universal support. |
106031149303618 | Chad Casey | To whom it may concern: I'm very concerned about NET NEUTRALITY. I'd like to demand the commissioners to reverse The previous administration's power grab to take over the web. Americans, as opposed to so-called experts, should be empowered to enjoy which applications we desire. The previous administration's power grab to take over the web is a perversion of the open Internet. It ended a hands-off system that worked very, very well for two decades with nearly universal approval. |
105230548426945 | Jessica Rigdon | Dear Mr. Pai, My comments re: Network Neutrality. I suggest you to reverse President Obama's policy to regulate the web. Citizens, rather than Washington, ought to purchase whichever services they want. President Obama's policy to regulate the web is a exploitation of net neutrality. It ended a light-touch approach that performed remarkably smoothly for a long time with both parties' approval. |
10603304705408 | Normand Turgeon | FCC: I have thoughts on Net neutrality. I want to urge the government to reverse President Obama's plan to control the web. Citizens, rather than so-called experts, should be empowered to enjoy whichever services we prefer. President Obama's plan to control the web is a exploitation of net neutrality. It disrupted a light-touch framework that functioned very well for two decades with Republican and Democrat support. |
10603719914830 | Kru Baugher | Dear Commissioners: I am a voter worried about net neutrality regulations. I would like to demand the FCC to overturn Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the Internet. Individual Americans, rather than so-called experts, should enjoy whichever applications they want. Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the Internet is a perversion of net neutrality. It ended a hands-off policy that performed exceptionally smoothly for a long time with Republican and Democrat backing. |
1060355394059 | Rejjina Robinson | Dear Commissioners: I am a voter worried about NET NEUTRALITY. I strongly urge you to overturn Tom Wheeler's plan to regulate the web. People like me, as opposed to Washington, should use which products they prefer. Tom Wheeler's plan to regulate the web is a corruption of net neutrality. It reversed a light-touch approach that functioned very, very smoothly for many years with broad bipartisan consensus. |
10523106414666 | Erin Thomas | To the Federal Communications Commission: I'm very worried about the FCC rules on the Internet. I strongly encourage Chairman Pai to repeal The previous administration's plan to take over broadband. Citizens, as opposed to the FCC, should be empowered to use whichever services they prefer. The previous administration's plan to take over broadband is a corruption of net neutrality. It ended a hands-off policy that functioned exceptionally successfully for two decades with Republican and Democrat backing. |
106032079008097 | Gissel Figueroa | To the FCC: Regarding network neutrality regulations. I'd like to recommend the FCC to undo The Obama/Wheeler decision to control broadband. People like me, not Washington, should select whatever applications we want. The Obama/Wheeler decision to control broadband is a betrayal of net neutrality. It broke a free-market approach that functioned very successfully for a long time with nearly universal support. |
106030460225295 | Robert Pordillo | To whom it may concern: Regarding net neutrality rules. I recommend Chairman Pai to reverse Tom Wheeler's decision to take over Internet access. Americans, as opposed to unelected bureaucrats, deserve to select which services they prefer. Tom Wheeler's decision to take over Internet access is a distortion of the open Internet. It disrupted a market-based framework that worked very well for decades with nearly universal support. |
10603748403790 | Brian Littlejohn | FCC: In the matter of Title 2 and net neutrality. I'd like to demand the commissioners to reverse Obama's order to control the Internet. Individual Americans, as opposed to Washington bureaucrats, should be empowered to purchase whichever products they desire. Obama's order to control the Internet is a distortion of net neutrality. It broke a pro-consumer policy that performed remarkably well for two decades with bipartisan backing. |
10603264386092 | Kenesha Richardson | Dear Mr. Pai, In reference to internet regulations. I'd like to advocate the Federal Communications Commission to overturn Tom Wheeler's decision to take over Internet access. Individual citizens, rather than Washington bureaucrats, should be free to use whichever applications we desire. Tom Wheeler's decision to take over Internet access is a perversion of the open Internet. It ended a hands-off system that performed exceptionally smoothly for decades with Republican and Democrat backing. |
10603135895569 | Daniel Green | To the Federal Communications Commission: In reference to net neutrality regulations. I'd like to ask Ajit Pai to reverse The Obama/Wheeler order to control broadband. Individual citizens, rather than the FCC, should be free to buy the applications they desire. The Obama/Wheeler order to control broadband is a corruption of the open Internet. It reversed a market-based approach that worked remarkably successfully for decades with both parties' consensus. |
10603367613605 | Regina Brigham | Chairman Pai: My comments re: the FCC regulations on the Internet. I strongly implore the Federal Communications Commission to repeal Tom Wheeler's policy to control the Internet. Individuals, rather than unelected bureaucrats, should be empowered to buy whichever applications we want. Tom Wheeler's policy to control the Internet is a exploitation of net neutrality. It undid a light-touch framework that performed supremely successfully for a long time with broad bipartisan consensus. |
10603264168301 | Jose Coronado | FCC commissioners, My comments re: Internet regulation and net neutrality. I'd like to request the government to reverse President Obama's scheme to take over Internet access. People like me, not the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should use the products they desire. President Obama's scheme to take over Internet access is a corruption of net neutrality. It undid a light-touch policy that functioned exceptionally well for two decades with broad bipartisan approval. |
106031865821417 | Shafiroon Baksh | To the Federal Communications Commission: I'm a voter worried about Net neutrality. I demand the commission to rescind Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the Internet. Internet users, rather than the FCC, should be able to use which applications we desire. Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the Internet is a distortion of net neutrality. It stopped a free-market policy that performed fabulously successfully for many years with both parties' support. |
1060335571742 | Lucy Torpey | Mr Pai: My comments re: net neutrality and Title II. I would like to encourage Chairman Pai to rescind Obama's order to regulate Internet access. Americans, as opposed to big government, deserve to select whatever products they desire. Obama's order to regulate Internet access is a betrayal of the open Internet. It reversed a market-based approach that functioned fabulously well for a long time with nearly universal backing. |
106031115923173 | Michel Marsans | To the Federal Communications Commission: I'd like to share my thoughts on Internet regulation. I strongly recommend the FCC to rescind Barack Obama's scheme to control broadband. Americans, not the FCC, should be able to purchase the services they choose. Barack Obama's scheme to control broadband is a perversion of net neutrality. It reversed a pro-consumer policy that worked remarkably successfully for many years with broad bipartisan consensus. |
106032306615245 | Basham William | I'm very concerned about Net neutrality. I want to ask the FCC to repeal The Obama/Wheeler order to control Internet access. Americans, not unelected bureaucrats, should be free to enjoy whichever services they choose. The Obama/Wheeler order to control Internet access is a corruption of the open Internet. It disrupted a light-touch framework that performed very, very smoothly for a long time with bipartisan approval. |
106031611223568 | Chad Meyer | To the FCC: I have concerns about the FCC's so-called Open Internet order. I want to request Ajit Pai to repeal President Obama's plan to regulate the web. Individual Americans, as opposed to Washington, should select whichever services they want. President Obama's plan to regulate the web is a corruption of the open Internet. It reversed a hands-off approach that functioned exceptionally smoothly for decades with broad bipartisan consensus. |
10523217853704 | Yong Han | I'm very worried about the FCC rules on the Internet. I would like to urge the commissioners to rescind The Obama/Wheeler plan to control the web. Internet users, rather than big government, should be free to enjoy whichever services we choose. The Obama/Wheeler plan to control the web is a exploitation of net neutrality. It broke a free-market framework that worked very, very well for decades with Republican and Democrat approval. |
1060314515530 | Steven Poe | In the matter of the Open Internet order. I want to request the commissioners to reverse Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the web. People like me, as opposed to Washington bureaucrats, should be able to select the services we prefer. Tom Wheeler's power grab to control the web is a corruption of net neutrality. It ended a hands-off framework that functioned very, very well for a long time with Republican and Democrat consensus. |
10603705325956 | Eric Whitner | FCC: I want to give my opinion on Internet freedom. I advocate the commission to reverse Tom Wheeler's order to take over the web. Individual Americans, rather than so-called experts, should be able to select which products they choose. Tom Wheeler's order to take over the web is a betrayal of net neutrality. It undid a market-based system that functioned remarkably smoothly for a long time with nearly universal approval. |
10603147873151 | Romeo Alpapara | Dear Commissioners: I'm a voter worried about the future of the Internet. I want to suggest the Federal Communications Commission to undo President Obama's policy to take over the web. People like me, rather than Washington bureaucrats, should be able to purchase which products they desire. President Obama's policy to take over the web is a perversion of the open Internet. It stopped a light-touch approach that performed fabulously smoothly for a long time with bipartisan approval. |
106030032430149 | Ricky Mccosh | To whom it may concern: I want to give my opinion on the Open Internet order. I would like to advocate the commissioners to undo Obama's scheme to take over the Internet. Americans, rather than the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should be empowered to use which products they want. Obama's scheme to take over the Internet is a perversion of the open Internet. It disrupted a hands-off framework that worked exceptionally well for many years with Republican and Democrat support. |
105232210106198 | Emily Xiong | Hi, I'd like to comment on network neutrality regulations. I'd like to urge the commissioners to repeal Tom Wheeler's scheme to regulate the web. Individuals, not unelected bureaucrats, should buy whichever applications we prefer. Tom Wheeler's scheme to regulate the web is a betrayal of net neutrality. It undid a light-touch policy that performed fabulously smoothly for two decades with broad bipartisan backing. |
1060328074300 | Pamela Brown | Dear Mr. Pai, In the matter of the FCC's Open Internet order. I want to implore the commissioners to overturn Barack Obama's scheme to regulate Internet access. Citizens, rather than Washington bureaucrats, should be able to buy whatever applications they want. Barack Obama's scheme to regulate Internet access is a perversion of the open Internet. It disrupted a pro-consumer framework that functioned exceptionally well for two decades with broad bipartisan backing. |
106031514411292 | Robin Canne | Chairman Pai: I am concerned about Internet freedom. I strongly implore the government to reverse President Obama's decision to control Internet access. Internet users, rather than unelected bureaucrats, should buy which applications they prefer. President Obama's decision to control Internet access is a distortion of net neutrality. It undid a market-based approach that functioned supremely well for two decades with Republican and Democrat backing. |
1052346795007 | Melissa Middleton | To the FCC: I want to give my opinion on the FCC's Open Internet order. I want to urge the government to rescind The Obama/Wheeler plan to regulate Internet access. Americans, rather than Washington, should be free to purchase which services we choose. The Obama/Wheeler plan to regulate Internet access is a exploitation of the open Internet. It stopped a light-touch system that functioned fabulously smoothly for many years with nearly universal consensus. |
1052379918834 | Michael Nelson | Chairman Pai: I have thoughts on Title II rules. I want to ask the commissioners to repeal Tom Wheeler's plan to control Internet access. Citizens, as opposed to Washington, ought to enjoy which applications we prefer. Tom Wheeler's plan to control Internet access is a corruption of net neutrality. It reversed a light-touch approach that worked supremely smoothly for many years with Republican and Democrat approval. |
1052356867331 | Jane Burton | Chairman Pai: I am concerned about the Open Internet order. I ask the commission to undo Tom Wheeler's power grab to take over the web. Individual Americans, as opposed to so-called experts, should be empowered to select the services we desire. Tom Wheeler's power grab to take over the web is a corruption of the open Internet. It disrupted a hands-off approach that functioned fabulously successfully for decades with broad bipartisan approval. |
106030460917357 | Donald Norman | Dear FCC, I would like to comment on Internet regulation and net neutrality. I'd like to request you to reverse President Obama's scheme to regulate the Internet. Americans, rather than Washington, ought to enjoy whichever services we want. President Obama's scheme to regulate the Internet is a betrayal of net neutrality. It undid a free-market system that performed supremely well for two decades with Republican and Democrat support. |
1052380659334 | Pruden Catrese | To the Federal Communications Commission: I want to give my opinion on net neutrality regulations. I'd like to ask Ajit Pai to undo President Obama's decision to regulate broadband. Internet users, not so-called experts, should be able to enjoy whichever products we choose. President Obama's decision to regulate broadband is a perversion of the open Internet. It undid a market-based system that performed exceptionally successfully for two decades with nearly universal approval. |
10523161009380 | Stephanie Garcia | To the Federal Communications Commission: In the matter of net neutrality regulations. I ask the commissioners to overturn Tom Wheeler's plan to regulate Internet access. Individuals, not unelected bureaucrats, ought to purchase whichever applications we desire. Tom Wheeler's plan to regulate Internet access is a exploitation of net neutrality. It undid a hands-off approach that performed exceptionally well for decades with bipartisan consensus. |
1060348147052 | Stephanie Marti | Chairman Pai: I'm contacting you about the FCC's Open Internet order. I would like to implore the FCC to reverse Barack Obama's plan to take over Internet access. Individual citizens, rather than unelected bureaucrats, should be able to select whatever services we want. Barack Obama's plan to take over Internet access is a distortion of net neutrality. It stopped a hands-off system that functioned very well for decades with Republican and Democrat consensus. |
10603111482589 | Isabel Oraha | Mr Pai: I'm a voter worried about regulations on the Internet. I request the FCC to overturn President Obama's order to take over the Internet. Individuals, not unelected bureaucrats, should purchase whatever services we choose. President Obama's order to take over the Internet is a corruption of net neutrality. It disrupted a free-market approach that worked very successfully for two decades with bipartisan support. |
10523965409984 | Lauren Hunter | To the Federal Communications Commission: I am a voter worried about Internet Freedom. I encourage the commission to reverse President Obama's scheme to regulate the web. Americans, not the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should be free to select the products they want. President Obama's scheme to regulate the web is a betrayal of the open Internet. It reversed a light-touch approach that performed very well for decades with Republican and Democrat approval. |
10603271868881 | Chris Storeeiner | Dear Mr. Pai, With respect to an open Internet. I want to demand the commissioners to repeal President Obama's order to take over the Internet. Citizens, not Washington bureaucrats, deserve to purchase the services they prefer. President Obama's order to take over the Internet is a betrayal of the open Internet. It broke a light-touch approach that performed very, very well for a long time with nearly universal consensus. |
106031241422079 | Duane Rome | Dear Chairman Pai, I'm very concerned about Internet freedom. I request the FCC to undo The Obama/Wheeler scheme to take over the web. Citizens, rather than the FCC, should be able to enjoy whatever products we want. The Obama/Wheeler scheme to take over the web is a perversion of the open Internet. It ended a market-based framework that functioned very, very successfully for a long time with broad bipartisan consensus. |
10603207927876 | Shonta Johnson | Mr Pai: With respect to Network Neutrality. I would like to suggest the commissioners to undo The Obama/Wheeler decision to control broadband. Citizens, as opposed to the FCC Enforcement Bureau, should be free to enjoy whichever applications they desire. The Obama/Wheeler decision to control broadband is a betrayal of the open Internet. It undid a free-market policy that performed very, very successfully for two decades with Republican and Democrat consensus. |